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This blog is dedicated to the obsession with and love of the Olympics.

Friday, February 19, 2010

And it's so TRUE


Now about the Men's Skating. I think Johnny was Robbed. ROBBED. But that's how it is in an imperfect world. Lysecek who name I can't spell I will never like. I don't know what it is about the boy that rubs me the wrong way but he does. It also bothers me how everyone is creaming over him and constabtly justifying his win. He won. If you have to keep justifying it you stir up more doubt. Also the announcers should shut up. Plushenko is right - they should keep pushing it because it IS a sport.
There. Also as an aside - the canadian ice dancers were robbed. Totally. But what do I know? I'm on John Shuster's side.

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